A Joyful Surrender

In the first chapter of Luke’s gospel, Mary travels to the town of Judah, where she greets her cousin, Elizabeth.

Elizabeth is an old woman who has been unable to bear children, and Mary is a girl who is a virgin. Yet, both women find themselves on a strange and glorious mission through the wonders of the Holy Spirit.

Imagine the meeting of these two kindred souls in this moment. Imagine Elizabeth’s baby leaping with joy in her womb at the sound of Mary’s voice. Imagine the bond between these two women, born so many years apart, yet chosen by God to bring mercy and love into the world in a most profoundly human and vulnerable way. 

O, what a glorious God we have, that he should humble himself to become an incredibly small, dependent, and defenseless creature so that we might see ourselves in his image and follow him. And what grace given to these women whose blessed wombs bore our salvation through a baby king and the man who would prepare his way for us.

On the road from Advent to Christmas, use us, Lord, to bring your hope and peace and joy to our world. Help us to join with Elizabeth and Mary in choosing mercy and love over selfishness and pride as we surrender our hearts to your will..


A Newborn King


Hope Is for Everyone