How Lyrical Reads Was Spun
The notion of writing songs and poetry to teach our Catholic Christian faith heritage all began for me when I had small children. I was motivated to teach the valuable faith lessons handed down by our Biblical ancestors. I wanted to plant the seeds of God’s goodness and love when my children were young.
Excerpt from Book 1
I already had an interest in writing and a knack for compiling poetic verse when I was in grade school. Musical gems were often brewing in my head as I got outside for a long run during my high school and college years. By the time I graduated from Physical Therapy school, I started strumming on my first guitar, and my poetry and prayer life took on a new dimension.
Aside from my writing and music, I have recently uncovered a previously untapped fondness for drawing. As a Physical Therapist, I have penned illustrations of people in various exercise postures to share with my patients over the years. Now, with access to digital media for drawing in layers and with limitless colors and tools available, I have become mildly obsessed with drawing Biblical characters in settings that reveal the depth of our faith stories.
In the Lyrical Reads website and book series, youthful imagination meets grown-up wisdom in prayer, poetry, music, storytelling, lessons, and illustrations. This delightfully spirited work stems from living a life richly rooted in faith and scripture, by the grace of God. That is to say, I have been given the joy of growing up in the knowledge that I am loved and that I am called to goodness. This is God’s will for all of us. It is the Good News to be shared.
The primary message of this introductory blog, then, is to encourage each of us to go prayerfully to where the Spirit leads us, and to know that our work will be made good by the grace of God. If you live with intention, you already see how God is sowing his seeds of goodness in and through you. And you know how much you are loved as his intimately chosen and crafted creation.
I am truly an amateur at most everything that I attempt to do, and yet, with a simple willingness to take my gifts and to share them in the ways that God shows me, everything that I do is made better by his grace. Know that your efforts, with the grace of God, are more than good enough to share with our world, a world in need of you to be the person God made you to be.